Letter of Appreciation’ was awarded to principal Shri Arun Kumar Yadav for his excellent work, the recognition was given in the presence of Honorable Governor of Uttar Pradesh Shri Ram Naik, Hon. Chief minister of UP Shri Yogi Adityanath & Hon. Minister Shri Chetan Chauhan on 1st May, 2018.
Letter of Appreciation’ was awarded to principal Shri Arun Kumar Yadav for his excellent work for “Employment Fair” in Davison Level. The award was given by Shri Madusudan Hulgi, C.D.O., Varanasi.
वर्तमान काल में पूरे भारत में फैले भयानक महामारी कोरोना वायरस से बचाव में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान प्रदान किये जाने हेतु श्री अरुण कुमार यादव प्रधानाचार्य, राजकीय औद्योगिक प्रशिक्षण संस्थान करौंदी, वाराणसी द्वारा श्री कौशल राज शर्मा, जिलाधिकारी महोदय को 1000 मास्क बनवाकर सौपा गया।
International Yoga day has celebrated in Institute in the presence of Yoga Export, Staff and Students on 21 June 2019.
On the Occasion of Vishwakarma day , Students and Staffs worshiped the Lord for the better future, Success in the academics. The day was seen as on the Empathetic day in which the disciples distributed sweets shared wellbeing for one another.
The Visit of Mr. Suresh Pasi, Minister of State of Housing, Vocational Training and Skill Development, Government of Uttar Pradesh was an good opportunity to showcase the development Strata of the Organization, Our team shared the improvements and its Implementation in various pillars of development.
The Visit of Mr. Rajendra Prasad, IAS Director Housing, Vocational Training and Skill Development, Government of Uttar Pradesh was an good opportunity to showcase the development Strata of the Organization, Our team shared the improvements and its Implementation in various pillars of development.
On the occasion of the “Teacher’s Day Celebration” the passed out students of the batch 2015-16 were distributed with passing certificates. The program was enriched with the presence of the Joint Director Shri Arun kumar Rana.
To “Bring out the best” in the students and to bring them one inch closer to our culture we organized slogan competition and celebrated Hindi Divas on 15th Sep 2017.
On the Occasion of Vishwakarma day , Students and Staffs worshiped the Lord for the better future, Success in the academics. The day was seen as on the Empathetic day in which the disciples distributed sweets shared wellbeing for one another.
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